Saturday, May 21, 2011

Victory is mine!

...well pretty much anyway.  Brynn is 3 months old and I put on my old jeans today to see if they fit, and they DID! Its a tight squeeze and all, but alas, I fit into them! I know I still have a little more weight to lose, but its mainly my hip bones that are holding me completely back...but I know that takes a while for them to shift back to where they were. Oh happy day! I also earned $18 selling some of our stuff at Stacie's garage sale today. Bonus! Annnnnd I ate a steak for dinner. Double Bonus! Annnnnd I used our Kohl's cash and bought some pj's and a cute jacket for Brynn when shes older and spent only $4. Triple Bonus!

All in all, today was a good day.

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