Monday, August 8, 2011

RIP Monkey PJs.

Everytime Robbie would get Brynn ready for bed, she would come out wearing the monkey PJs. I don't know why he loved them so much, he just did.  After a while though,  he for some reason decided that she wanted him to save the monkey PJs for the weekend...a special occasion.  So every Friday and Saturday Robbie would put the monkey PJs on her.  He would seriously get excited for the weekend so she would wear the monkey PJs. Monkey PJs are for hard partyin' apparently.  I thought it was adorable.  She did outgrow them recently though and he was a little depressed about it.  I completely understand where he's coming from though.  I get depressed everytime she grows out of something.  So I went to Kohls and found a pair of the same monkey PJs in an 18 month size.  He will be pleasantly surprised in about a year.  

Something funny about this post is that my best friend, Lacey, had a near identical blog post about some ugly Eeyore pajamas that Mark fell in love with.  I just love how hilarious that is.  Mark and Robbie had the same weird pajama complex I guess.  Heres a couple pictures in loving memory of the monkey PJs. 



  1. I saw your post title and I had to come read it. Oh the sadness of packing away the most random things that our husbands fall in love with. (eeyore pjs.... really mark?)

    She is SO sweet. Love you guys!

  2. They're cute monkey pjs! I have things like this's so sad when they stop fitting. The 18 month pjs will (sort of) fit her at a year old, so that's not tooo long! :D
