Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You're killin' me, Smalls!

Well Hello there.....I have been so bad about writing, but half the reason I haven't written anything is because I knew I would spill the beans if I wrote anything!

Robbie and I are pregnant! (well...I am...)  I am about 9 weeks now and we had our first ultrasound last week.  The baby is looking fine and we saw the heartbeat! So awesome!  As exciting as that was, I am not going to lie....being pregnant in the first trimester SUCKS! I have been soooo sick. Ugh.  I started feeling sick about 4 weeks, and then at 5 weeks it all came down on me.  I had the unfortunate experience of catching the flu and becoming dehydrated in the process.  Throwing up every 20 minutes for three days is not exactly my idea of fun.  On the third night, it hadnt stopped so Robbie called our doctor to see if he thought I should go to the hospital to get an IV in my arm.  We almost did, but the doctor prescribed me this life saving pill called Zofran. I am not lying when I say it is LIFE SAVING. haha. Luckily, most Walgreens in Utah have the 24 hour pharmacy so we could go get it right away.  Ten minutes after I took that pill I stopped throwing up.  I was so happy/exhausted/overwhelmed I began to bawl.  So, I have been taking Zofran every single day.  If I didnt take it every 6 hours, I would be throwing up every 30 minutes.  It stops the throwing up, but the nausea still remains so i still feel like I will throw up...but hey, that is alot better than feeling like I'm going to ralph AND ralphing. So my days are pretty boring, I go to work at noon (the days i can make it...) then come home, cry, and watch TV until its time to go to bed. But about 4 more weeks of nausea and it will be gone! Hopefully....

Now that I've vented about how miserable I've been....I feel better :)  I've lost 10 pounds and counting... i hate how I lose weight when I shouldnt be.

Robbie is so excited to be a dad, and as scared I am about being a mom, I am excited too.  Ive temporarily named our baby "Smalls".  I love the movie "The Sandlot", and when I am really sick I just think to myself...."You're killin' me Smalls!".  Because she/he IS! Haha.  I thought it fit Baby Brown pretty good :)

Right now, Smalls is the size of a grape, and her due date is February 4th.

I'll keep you posted!

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