Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm on Etsy!

I finally did it...I've been contemplating it for months now.  I opened up an Etsy shop.  It's easy to get swallowed up in all the awesome stuff on there, but I'm excited to be doing it!  I might not be the most successful person on there, but who knows... maybe I'll end up selling more stuff than I think.  I did sell 3 items today and it felt great!  Check it out here.  Little Buns Boutique is up and runnin'.

If you're feeling festive, check out the cool halloween stuff I've made. For example, this onesie and headband I made.

Or if you just want something that will match just about everything, check out this white rosette and matching stretchy lace headband.

I've got quite a few listings up, so go take a looksie! littlebunsboutique.etsy.com

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