Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh dear...Christmas time has been turned upside-down.

I lost my job. What a great way to keep the Christmas spirit in our little apartment alive!  I was laid off because they don't need as many people doing the job I was doing anymore due to the upgrade of a faster computer system.  What a crappy time of the year to lose a job.  Not only do we have a tight budget because of buying presents for everybody, but losing the 1500 dollars I made a month is definitely going to effect a lot of things.  I was planning on going to school in January. Not anymore. I feel completely worthless. I am not making any money, and I am not getting an education.  I may or may not have been bawling my eyes out for a few hours yesterday evening.  Without even any notice, the company dropped me on my tush, letting me know I wouldnt even be working the NEXT DAY. No severence, no nothing.   As if losing my job wasnt enough yesterday, Robbie found out that he didnt pass his ECON class. He didn't graduate because of ONE class. I know economy classes are hard, but hearing Rob talk about this teacher all semester didnt help. She is one of those power hungry teachers who doesnt care one bit for the success of her students.  Robbie emailed her multiple times telling her he was having trouble in the class.  She never said anything back to him...ever.  He emailed her again, letting her know that he needed no less than a C on the final exam to graduate in hopes that she would be reasonable in helping pass.  She never emailed him back or even acknowledged him whatsoever.  She didnt pass him.  Robbie wasnt the only one in the class with problems.  A valedictorian in his class that was also graduating this semester, has not received anything less than an A in every class.  He didnt do so hot in her class either and she didnt acknowledge his existence when he tried to contact her also.  I dont understand what is up some people's butts.  Robbie was going to job hunt for something better, but now is stuck in the job that he hates and will now have to pay $500 to re-take that stupid class.  

Now that I have told you what bad things have happened....(I hate complaining but I HAD to get that all out haha) We have been having fun lately...besides yesterday.  Robbie no longer has to come home and do homework from the minute he gets home from work until the second its time to go to bed.  I actually get to hang out with my husband.  It's amazing.  On Monday, we got a gingerbread house kit and made a gingerbread house.  It was so much fun! Robbie did a good job on the side he was in charge of. I was definitely impressed! I like to think of the creation as our "first house".  We put a down payment of $7 on it, and we are very happy with the outcome!

Life always has a way of throwing crap at you.  Literally, crap.  We both just need to stay strong, we will get through this.  If anyone knows of anybody hiring or you have any leads on any jobs, I would really appreciate it if you would let me know!


  1. Breaks my heart. I'm so sorry!! If it makes you feel any better at all I have had a horrible week too. But something will come up. Lots of people move at the end of december and early january which means more available jobs.

    Love you.

  2. CUTE!! I love your blog!!...and the awesome Christmas festivities!!! I just love your first home!!Just focus on enjoying the Holidays for now!!! Something will come along!!
