Friday, November 6, 2009

I think its funny that....

-I have barely listened to any normal music in almost 2 weeks. I have been listening to Disney music for 7 or 8 hours a day at work non-stop.

-That I can remember the chinese song I sang in Children's Chorale in 5th grade word for word in Washington DC but I cant remember things what I did two days ago.

-That no matter how much you love somebody marriage is VERY hard work.

-That I unknowingly ordered a 15 dollar bowl of Mac and Cheese today. What the crap that is the biggest rip-off ever.

-I think Obama is funny. I think he is the biggest joke I have ever heard.

-About $250 or more comes out of my paycheck to go towards social security but that when I am old and gray  the program will probably not exist anymore...or I will be dead before I am old enough to recieve it.

-That for some reason I always put the face of George Castanza (from Seinfeld) to the voice of Phil Collins.  I really couldnt tell you what Phil Collins even looks like because I always think he is George Castanza.

-That I am so severely self-conscious that I hardly will even wear short sleeve shirts because I am so self-conscious about my arms....but some realllllly reallly ffattt fat fat girls seem to have no "conscious" at all with some of the things that they wear.

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