Monday, September 14, 2009

The Office

If there is one thing that can cheer me up no matter how horrible my mood is, it is The Office. This show is probably the funniest thing that I have ever seen in my entire life. The randomness and the truth of everything in it almost feels like the scripts were personally intended for my eyes and ears.

I have seen all the episodes countless times, excluding season 5 because it just came out 6 days ago...and you better believe that I bought it the day it came out! Robbie and I watch one or two episodes of it every night before bed. Good thing I made him start watching it with me a year ago too. He loves it almost as much as I do now!
What is better than Angela's cat falling through the ceiling during a fake fire? Or just hearing Kevin talk...or watching the pranks that Jim and Pam constantly pull on Dwight? Nothing, I repeat, Nothing is better than that.

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